Classification of soil

As per IS1200 PART 1
  •        Soft loose soil
  •        Hard/dense soils
  •       Mud excavation
  •        Soft distingrated Rock
  •        Hard rock with blasting
  •       Hard rock without basting

As per CPWD 2009

  •        All kind of soil
  •        Ordinary
  •        Hard Rock

Type of Excavation

A). Surface Dressing: Trimming of natural ground, removing of vegetation and small inequalities up to depth of 150mm is measured in SQM.

If any tree is on site how to defines it is tree or brushwood, shrubs If the girth (perimeter of tana) of tree is less than 300mm than it is shrubs and not extra claimed but if girth of tree is greater than 300mm than it will be consider in a tree and you can claim in extra item as per norms and you have to required forest department permission for cutting it.

The girth of tree is measured at 1.0 m from NGL.

B). Surface Excavation: Depth up to 300mm is measured in SQM

C). Rough Excavation: For mass excavation. In this case we didn’t required to do surface dressing for pcc.

D). Excavation in over area : In this case we have to do properly levelling of soil, Slop in soil for trenches and properly consolidated soil.

From 300mm to 1.5m depth excavation – 300mm all side of footing extra measurement claimed as a authorized working space.  

Depth of Excavation is exceed 1.5m – 750mm all side of footing extra measurement claimed.
If not mentioned any term & condition in tender.

E). Excavation in cable tranches and pipe: In this case we have to do properly levelling of soil, Slop in soil for trenches and properly consolidated soil.

1). For up to 1.0 m depth – Width of trench is consider 250mm+out to out dia of pipe.

2). For up to 2.0 m depth – Width of trench is consider 250mm+out to out dia of pipe+50mm+50mm (both side of pipe).

3). For up to 2.0 m depth PCC Bed below the pipe  IF 450mm width concrete bed is define for 350mm out to out diameters pipe than which width is lesser than in condition 2 and 3 it will be considered.
If not mention any term and condition in tender or contract.
